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King's Lynn had a torrid time in 2023, winning just 4 of their 24 league fixtures and finishing rock bottom of the Sports Insure Premiership table.

2024 is looking much brighter for the stars though - the Norfolk outfit have assembled an attractive looking team and the arrival of the experienced Rob Lyon as Team Manager is a positive move.

Only Michael Palm Toft and Anders Rowe have escaped the cull from the 2023 side. Palm Toft's performances in 2023 were far from his best, but the Stars will be hoping that a run free from injury and a move away from heat leader status will see the Dane recapture some of the form he showed with league winning Peterborough back in 2021.

Young Rowe started to realise some of his undoubted potential in 2023. His technique on the bike and gating skills were noticeably improved last year - he can be a valuable rider to the Stars in the Rising Star position and is definitely one to watch.

Coming in at number 1 for King's Lynn is Tobias Musielak, who arrives after a huge season for Sheffield. The classy Pole took the Sports Insure Premiership by storm in 2023, finishing with an average of 8.69. He gives King's Lynn the much needed firepower at number 1 that they have been missing in recent seasons.

Musielak will need ample back up though, and he certainly seems to have that with Vadim Tarasenko, Niels Kristian Iversen and Ben Basso joining him in the main body of the Stars team.

Tarasenko came to the UK in 2023 relatively unknown to many, but those who have watched him race in Poland and Sweden in previous seasons will have known that he is a class act and his impact was no surprise. He is the nephew of Grigory and Artem Laguta - talent on a speedway bike is no stranger to his family and he is a brilliant capture for the Stars.

Ben Basso is another bright prospect. The young Dane is one of his country's best up and coming riders - he is spectacular to watch and is progressing rapidly in his career, so his signing is a great move by the Stars' management.

Dane Niels Kristian Iversen is no stranger to the Adrian Flux Arena and has spent several past seasons racing for the Stars as their number 1. Whilst the ex-GP star's career isn't at the heights it was during his previous stints with the club, he is still a solid performer at this level and knows the quickest way around the AFA. His arrival will not have disappointed King's Lynn fans.

Completing the 2024 Stars is Patryk Wojdylo. The young Pole is the 4th rider to be recruited from last year's Peterborough side and he is an exciting talent. Wojdylo proved last year that he has what it takes to be a valuable performer in the Premiership and the fact that he starts at reserve will make him a shrewd signing if he can adapt to the often grippy NFA track surface.

BSN Verdict:

The side that the Stars have assembled for 2024 shows much more promise than they have in recent seasons. On paper they lack a second 'big-hitter', but they make up for that with strength-in-depth and have no weak links in their team. This is an attractive looking King's Lynn side that has play-off potential.


Tobiasz Musielak

Vadim Tarasenko

Niels Kristian Iversen

Benjamin Basso

Michael Palm Toft

Patryk Wojdylo

Anders Rowe (RS)

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