FREDDIE Lindgren has been given the green light to try and rescue Birmingham’s Knockout Cup hopes.

The World No.2 was a frustrated spectator in the Perry Barr pits as the Brummies allowed Ipswich to claw back an eight-point advantage before their makeshift team went on to win by two points on the night.

But since then 38-year-old Lindgren has received clearance from the UK Visa and Immigration service to don the yellow and red, Birmingham releasing Zach Cook to accommodate him into their seven.

However, Steve Worrall is sidelined on Thursday, serving a seven day Speedway Control Bureau suspension after pulling out of the first leg at short notice suffering from labyrinthitis. They operate rider-replacement at Foxhall in his absence.

Former Brummie Adam Ellis is back for the Witches after recovering from a dislocated shoulder while Chris Harris guests at number one with Jason Doyle’s season ended by injury and Sam Masters stands in for skipper Danny King.

Dan Thompson’s absence through covid is covered by rider-replacement with Berwick’s Freddy Hodder filling the number eight berth their Additional Rider.

But most of the pre-match attention will focus on Lindgren who returns to British racing for the first time since 2017.

“It is going to be a big challenge for me because the Premiership has grown stronger and stronger in the last couple of years,” the Swede said.

“It is a very tough league to race in with a lot of top names and that’s all exciting.

“It was good to meet everyone on Monday and hopefully I ca fit into the team pretty easily and we can have a good time together.”

Ipswich  team manager Ritchie Hawkins added: “Despite our injury problems I feel we still have a strong side out on Thursday. Keynan (Rew) has been back among the points recently while Jordan Jenkin’s form is picking up.

“We have a two-point lead but we know how quickly things can fall apart in speedway.

“We have to be focused and keep the fighting spirit we have shown so far this season despite some adversity.”


Ipswich: Chris Harris, R/R for Dan Thompson, Sam Masters, Adam Ellis, Emil Sayfutdinov, Keynan Rew, Jordan Jenkins, Freddy Hodder (AR).

Birmingham: Fredrik Lindgren, R/R for Steve Worrall, Wiktor Lampart, Justin Sedgmen, Tom Brennan, Piotr Pawlicki, Leon Flint.


Words by George Dodds.

Images by Taylor Lanning.